I was first elected Chief in 2010 and since then it has been an honour and a privilege to represent the people of SCN and to continue to work at moving our First Nation forward.
During my time as Chief, I have worked hard to represent our community effectively and to keep the people informed about the opportunities and challenges that are presented to us.
We realized early on that building an economic base for SCN was important in order to create jobs and opportunity for our people.
Since 2010, Sapotaweyak has built Club Sap and the Petro Canada station on urban reserve lands in Swan River and created many jobs and business income for our First Nation.
We have also developed many new programs and facilities on our First Nation including the new water treatment plant and governance building. Facilities such as these will continue to serve our people for many years to come.
As we move forward there are many challenges that face our community. As your Chief I will continue to address the many injustices that we continue to face and work ensure to our families and youth have many opportunities in the future.
Chief Nelson Genaille